“Where there are citizens in distress or in harm’s way there is a special breed that stands ready to answer the call.
A common individual with uncommon desires forged by adversity this person stands alongside their brothers and sisters to serve their community, and protect their lives and property.
I am that firefighter!”
My thoughts and prayers go out to all our firefighters, police officers, medics/EMTs, dispatchers, public works, utilities, and all other responders who answered the call and worked tirelessly to protect the lives and property of our Southern Oregon residents. Please keep these responders in your thoughts as they have worked days on end fighting to lessen the impact of this tragic event. Thousands of residents have been displaced while losing everything. However, we should be hopeful. My family has volunteered in the relief effort and have passed out necessities for the affected residents. Nurses, CNAs, and healthcare providers working their regular 12-hour shifts and then volunteering their time in the relief effort is something to see. The community response has been nothing short than inspirational. Piles of donated items stretching from the floor to the ceiling can be seen in many locations. Southern Oregon has shown their fortitude and wherewithal once again!
Kyle Valley