On February 1st, we have Bruce Hollcroft joining us for our chapter meeting to discuss Risk Management. Mark your calendars because the first day of the month often sneaks up on us. This program will be a good one.
We are moving the starting time of our ASP-CSP & SMS study group to 4:30 PM on third Tuesdays for about an hour. Our next study group event will be on February 15th. Please let me know if you would like to join our study group. It is free, and most of the topics we cover also apply to elements of the SMS certification (Safety Management Specialist). If you are working on your SMS certification, let me know and we can focus some of our study on topics that overlap. Our chapter is always looking for ways to help support your work in the safety profession.
It probably goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has not made anyone’s job easier, which is just one more reason I am so grateful for the outstanding service that your executive committee members provide. If you get a chance, could you please thank them for all they do to help our chapter? Because of their efforts, our chapter achieved the Platinum Chapter status for the 2020-2021, and we were recently recognized by Society for this achievement.
With the completion of our first virtual conference well behind us now, the planning for the 2022 conference has begun. Mike Hill will be our conference chair again this year, and he will need a team to help him put together a great conference. It takes a lot of input and work from representatives in our community to help put together these world-class conferences. We can really use your help. Please consider joining our winning conference planning team!
I look forward to 2022 being a good year for our chapter, and I want to thank all of you that participated in the survey we sent out last month. Your input helps your executive committee provide the best programs and events possible.
Happy 2022!
David Hanson