The last twelve months has been strange and difficult for all of us. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to list all of the struggles our region has experienced. Because of the uncertainty around what in-person events will look like in October, we made the decision to hold a virtual safety conference this fall. Normally, we need to make financial commitments in February and March for in-person venues. With the conditions being so uncertain, it simply did not warrant the risk. For those of you that remember our Safety Committee University last fall, we will include it as a track for our safety conference in October. We are planning on holding an awards ceremony, keynotes, and pre-conference PDCs. Our conference chair, Mike Hill, is leading the charge on getting the details put together. Please mark your calendars for this event, which will be held on October 19, 20,& 21. We hope to release more details about the event soon.
Another event that is coming up very quickly is the May 12 Total Worker Health 101 Professional Development Workshop. At the time I write this letter, we have about 20 seats remaining. This is a great opportunity. After not holding a PDC last fall because of the unique challenges that 2020 offered, we are glad to offer this event.
Also, don’t forget that the Safety Committee University content on our website is still free for the time being. Please take advantage of these resources that our chapter offers you and your organization. Please stay safe and have a great 2021!
Stay safe!
David Hanson, CSP
President, ASSP – Southern Oregon Chapter
Senior Safety Management Consultant, SAIF Corporation
David has an expertise building dynamic safety teams and developing high-performing safety cultures. He spent 18 years at Timber Products Company as a Supervisor and Safety Coordinator and facilitated continued certification into Oregon OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program (VPP).