We had some incredible sponsors recognized for their continued support.We had some very familiar vendors, who consistently display their safety support for the community, and we welcomed some new vendors this year. Thanks to the sponsors and vendors we can keep the cost of the conference attendance low for our community. This is so important in ensuring we can have this safety learning event open to as many companies and employees as possible.
And this is the key: Without those companies, organizations, and employees, there would be no need for such a conference. So, beyond measure, we are thankful that companies and organizations are able to send personnel to this event in order to learn more about keeping our community workforces safe! In talking with many attendees, I heard the same words over and over: “I am glad my company sent me,” and “This conference is really good for learning safety information.” To me, this means we are succeeding in our mission to bring a quality safety learning event to the community, and by doing so, we are helping companies and organizations have the potential for safer workplaces.
Quality safety learning is the point of this collaborative event between Oregon OSHA and the Southern Oregon Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals.We are blessed to have such a relationship with such an outcome. There are major cities and regions throughout the United States who do not have an event like this available to them. It takes a desire for safety to bring the event to life, but it takes many hands to keep it going year after year.If you would like to be a part of the team of volunteers who put this conference on, please contact an ASSP Southern Oregon Chapter member to find out how! Visit: http://www.soassp.org/.
Chris Lawrence
President, ASSP – Southern Oregon Chapter
With over 20 years in occupational safety and health, Chris Lawrence is a retired US Air Force Safety Professional who is the Regional Safety Manager for Boise Cascade.