How are we doing with the newsletter? Are you reading it? Are you finding value in it? What would make it better? Would you be interested in helping with the newsletter?
Are you coming to our technical meetings each month for networking and learning events? What can we do better at these meetings?
If you were King/Queen of the Chapter for a day, what improvements would you make and why?
What else can we improve on?
We feel that we are doing well and our membership is growing, but we also know that we have to seek continual improvement. We have a very functional website. We have a dedicated team of board members. We have an informative newsletter. We put on one of the best safety conferences in the region once a year. We come up with additional learning and networking activities, and we have educational monthly meetings. This is, of course, my point of view which may not be accurate when compared to others. So, if you see or feel that we should consider some improvement effort, please let us know. This is your chapter and the outstanding members of the executive board who are tasked with managing it are diligently trying to present you with the best ASSP Chapter experience possible. Help your chapter serve you in the best way possible by letting us know your thoughts!
I hope to see you involved in our training meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at the Black Bear Diner! Come early at 11:30 and spend some time networking before the presentation begins at 12:00 – 1:00. I also hope to see your comments and your potential involvement in helping to manage the chapter activities – it is rewarding to safety professionals of all levels. Have a safe and blessed New Year!
Chris Lawrence
President, ASSP – Southern Oregon Chapter
With over 20 years in occupational safety and health, Chris Lawrence is a retired US Air Force Safety Professional who is the
Regional Safety Manager for Boise Cascade