Registration is Open
Registration is open for the 2021 Southern Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Conference to be held online on October 19-21 with some of the most exciting and dynamic presenters we’ve ever had.
Professional Development
We have an impressive Professional Development Workshop in store with Corrie Pitzer presenting his DeepSafe Leadership model.
Three Keynote Presentations
We will be motivated and inspired by three keynote presenters including Anil Mathur, former CEO of Alaska Tanker Company, Corrie Pitzer, CEO of Safemap International, and Amy Harper, PhD, former Senior Director of Training and Consulting for NSC. Another very special presenter, Bob Edwards, will discuss Human Performance Learning Teams.
Safety Committee University
We will also bring back our popular Safety Committee University with a great lineup of sessions including some unique perspectives such as Bob Nelms of the Failsafe Network leading us in his Profound Incident Learning.
Even though this event is entirely online, we promise to make this one of the most interesting, educational, and valuable events for you in your safety work!
New Conference Website
Please check out our new conference marketing website to find the flyer, program schedule, presenter and program information, as well as registration link.
Scholarships Available
We still have opportunities for scholarships. You can find the application on our chapter website at Also, the Redwood Safety Association is offering the Harry W. Smedes Memorial Scholarship at
Please register today and join us in October!