Unfortunately, our long-time membership chair, Amy Stonehill was unable to continue in her role on the executive board. A big thank you to Amy for her hard work in her leadership in our chapter over the years. I served as the membership chair years ago and I can tell you, Amy did an amazing job.
Loria Holden, Timber Products Company, has been appointed and approved for the membership chair role on our executive board. Loria is well qualified and has served as president of an ASSP chapter back east. Loria has also volunteered to lead WISE efforts in our chapter. If you haven’t welcomed her to our chapter yet, go ahead and do so. We are very fortunate to have Loria and her experience in our chapter.
We still have vacancies on our executive board. The biggest vacancy is the secretary position. This is a lot of work, but it does give the individual a great view of the mechanics of how our chapter runs. The other position is the COMT position. This executive board position works within the Chapter Operations Management Tool (COMT) online to make sure our chapter is doing the things we need to do to be a successful chapter. This is a great position for a new member on the executive board and helps guide the executive board in their efforts. The Chapter Operations Management Tool makes this an easier task. Please let me know if you are interested in either of these positions on our executive board.
The new availability of recorded content for visitors to our website has been a great resource. If you missed last month’s chapter meeting or can’t remember how the speaker answered a certain question, it’s still available to watch afterwards. This change in our online presence has expanded the value of our website to you and our community. Our July presentation by Nathan Sweet and Matt Kaiser from Oregon OSHA was thus able to gain statewide audience because the topic included the entire state and our recording of the meeting was available online.
What’s on the horizon for you from your Southern Oregon Chapter for the next three months? While it is only available to ASSP members, don’t forget the ASP/CSP study group. This study group is designed for safety professionals preparing to take the ASP/CSP tests but available to any ASSP member. Join us monthly on the third Tuesday evening, 7:00-8:30 pm by virtual web-based meeting. Our next study group will be September 15th.
Pay special attention to Jon Sowers’s upcoming presentation on September 1st where he will discuss the 5 principles of Human Performance. This proves to be an interactive adventure into the Human and Organizational Performance principles that are changing the way we talk about safety in the workplace.
In October, we are going to host our first ever Safety Committee University which is shaping up to be a great event to provide support for your safety committee members. We are working hard to keep this event free as a special thankyou to the Southern Oregon community for helping make our Occupational Safety and Health Conference a major success over the decades.
David Hanson
Stay safe!