Our next chapter meeting program on January 4th will feature Bryon Snapp from Oregon OSHA discussing regulatory updates. This is an important topic as we see new changes developing that have an impact on workplace safety and health.
With the completion of our first virtual conference well behind us now, January will mean that planning for the 2022 conference will begin. Mike Hill will be our conference chair again this year, but he will need a team to help him put together a great conference. It takes a lot of input and work from representatives in our community to help put together these world-class conferences. We can really use your help. Please consider joining our winning conference planning team!
Reflecting on the year that is drawing to a close reminds me of all the hard work that our conference planning committee and chapter executive committee members have done to provide our chapter with excellent programs, workshops, one big conference, and other programs for our safety community here in Southern Oregon.
As we move from one year to the next, I wish you and all yours a very Happy 2022!
David Hanson
David Hanson, CSP
President, ASSP – Southern Oregon Chapter
Senior Safety Management Consultant, SAIF Corporation