Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions?
Does our safety committee have the training it needs to operate effectively? When do we need to post the 300a report? Did we follow up on the hazard list that the safety committee submitted to us last month? Is this safety improvement really necessary? How are we doing on our corporate safety goals and objectives? Do our employees understand our safety policies? Weren’t we documenting our safety training? Does our safety policy need to be updated? When was the last time we updated our safety policy anyway? Why don’t our employees contribute more to our safety program? Why don’t we identify more hazards on our safety inspections? Are we really that safe? I reported a safety hazard last week—whatever happened with that? Are we safer now than we were three years ago?
It’s okay if you have. But if you have asked these questions, chances are you need a dedicated safety manager at your organization.
Things a safety manager can offer your organization:
- Clear direction for safety goals and objectives of the organization
- Safety efforts that are consistent and effective throughout multiple departments and by multiple supervisors
- Management support to safety committee activities and tying loose ends
- Follow-through on identified hazards by making sure that reported hazardsare making their way through steps to be resolved
- Help in identifying effective best practices that go above and beyond mere compliance
- Healthy change management processes and building safety into projects
- On-site resource for up-to-date safety best practices
- On-site safety resource that can train employees on the best practices and company policies
- A knowledgeable advocate that can assist when your organization is under the microscope from external agencies
- An additional concerned ear on the management team to employee safety concerns
- Assurance that safety recordkeeping is being done properly
- Data-driven decision making tools that help identify where your safety program is now and where your organization wants to go
Organizations that hire the right safety manager for their company soon learn that many of the techniques used to manage a great safety program also work to manage and organize other critical company functions.
Now that you’ve asked the questions and know what you need, check out the ASSP guide to hiring the right safety professional here:
David Hanson, CSP
Vice President, ASSP – Southern Oregon Chapter
Senior Safety Management Consultant, SAIF Corporation
David has expertise in building dynamic safety teams and developing high-performing safety cultures. He spent 18 years at Timber Products Company as a Supervisor and Safety Coordinator and facilitated continued certification into Oregon OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program (VPP).