David Hanson CSP
Southern Oregon Chapter President
President’s April Message
There are some good things happening in our chapter this spring. On May 12, we are holding a special free three-hour Professional Development Workshop event in conjunction with the Cascade ASSP chapter and the Oregon TWH Alliance. This course is targeted especially to occupational safety and health professionals, although occupational health nurses, physicians, and wellness and human resource professionals will also benefit from attending. Our instructors for this event are Dede Montgomery from OHSU and Liz Hill with SAIF Corporation. Look at the information about this event on our website under the conference tab. Seating for this event is limited, and we expect interest in this event from all over the Pacific Northwest. We are promoting the event to the Southern Oregon region first. After not being able to do our PDC last October, I am delighted that we are able to offer this professional development workshop this spring. Please join us!
I would like to thank our local sponsors that help us provide great programming. This includes our annual safety conference, safety committee university and other events throughout the year. Our sponsors are Boise Cascade, Timber Products Company, Asante, Knife River, Redwood Safety Association, Oregon SHARP Alliance, Oregon Columbia Chapter of AGC, D2000 Safety, Oregon OSHA, Light Symphony, EHS Maven, SAIF Corporation, Sweed Machinery, Duro-Last Roofing, Rogue Valley SHRM, Concepts in Advertising, First Response CPR Training, Mallory Safety Supply,& Providence Medical Group. Without contributions and support from these sponsors, our efforts would be severely hampered. If you know anyone with these organizations, take a little time to thank them again from all of us at Southern Oregon ASSP.
To Register for the Free Total Worker Health Professional Development Workshop, click below:
Total Worker Health Workshop Registration
To download the flyer for the event, click below:
Total Worker Health Marketing Flyer
David Hanson
Stay safe!
David Hanson, CSP
President, ASSP – Southern Oregon Chapter
Senior Safety Management Consultant, SAIF Corporation
David has an expertise building dynamic safety teams and developing high-performing safety cultures. He spent 18 years at Timber Products Company as a Supervisor and Safety Coordinator and facilitated continued certification into Oregon OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program (VPP).